
🔥 v0.x of @node-ts/bus is deprecated. For the latest version visit https://node-ts.gitbook.io/bus/ 🔥

Greenkeeper badge CircleCILicense: MIT

A rabbitmq transport adapter for @node-ts/bus.


Install all packages and their dependencies

npm i reflect-metadata inversify @node-ts/bus-rabbitmq @node-ts/bus-core

Once installed, load the BusRabbitMqModule to your inversify container alongside the other modules it depends on:

import { Container } from 'inversify'
import { LoggerModule } from '@node-ts/logger-core'
import { BusModule } from '@node-ts/bus-core'
import { BUS_RABBITMQ_SYMBOLS, BusRabbitMqModule, RabbitMqTransportConfiguration } from '@node-ts/bus-rabbitmq'

const container = new Container()
container.load(new LoggerModule())
container.load(new BusModule())
container.load(new BusRabbitMqModule())

const rabbitConfiguration: RabbitMqTransportConfiguration = {
  queueName: 'accounts-application-queue',
  connectionString: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost',
  maxRetries: 5

Configuration Options

The RabbitMQ transport has the following configuration:

  • queueName (required) The name of the service queue to create and read messages from.
  • connectionString (required) An amqp formatted connection string that's used to connect to the RabbitMQ instance
  • maxRetries (optional) The number of attempts to retry failed messages before they're routed to the dead letter queue. Default: 10


Local development can be done with the aid of docker to run the required infrastructure. To do so, run:

docker run -d -p 8080:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management